1. Why is communication so important during an emergency?
Communication is very helpful and important during an emergency because it can inform you that where is the hurricane, where is it heading to, when is it going to stop and everybody needs to be aware if their community is getting stroked by a hurricane, and they need to be ready for everything.
2. What forms of communication have been used during recent disasters e.g Hurricane Katrina, the Tsunami?
I think that they have used radio, television, cellphones, and the internet of course.
3. What essential information needs to be communicated during a disaster or emergency?
The information needs to tell them that when and where is the disaster going to appear, and they should be ready and prepared.
4. What information can be created before the emergency? What information needs to be communicated during the emergency?
The information that needs to be created before the disaster strikes is that they have to report to people that there is e.g. a hurricane coming and the people need to move to shelter and they need to get their food, clothing and family to the shelter for safety.
5. What hardware and software is required to be able to communicate online?
Mobile phone:
A really helpful mobile phone is the Blackberry phone because what is good about all kinds of mobile phone not just blackberry is that if we are hit by a hurricane and experience a 9-day power/land line phone outage.
Investigation Guiding Questions:rff
A.How can I make use of established and emerging WWW tools to support online
We can make use of WWW by using Micro Soft Word, Publisher, and web 2.0 by posting some information in the internet by using them. we could post pictures and information, so people could know whats going on around the world and maybe could help like in Palestine.
B. What are the best tools to use for effective communication online?
I think the best tool for the world and the community is using HTML or an online newspaper because there are alot of disasters going around the world that could read and understand by these online helping tools.
C. How can the Internet be used to help a community prepare for and survive
a disaster?
The internet could be used by HTML or online newspaper too, like famous websites like Google, Yahoo by posting what is going on.
Communication and the Internet:
- Which communication forms are synchronous?
- Which ones are asynchronous?
- What type of information would be conveyed by each form?
- What is needed in hardware and software for each?

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