Thursday, March 19, 2009
Client meeting
Final Evaluation for Bullying
We had a bit of mixed up in the beginning with the plan. we have got good feed backs on our project from our friends, they said that it is very cool. It can make a lot of differences in schools and in the world.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Process Journal
We started our investigation about ' What is Bullying? ' our teacher Mr. Johns introduced us for the next project which is about Anti- Bullying Media Campaign. We looked at the contrast websites.
Second Week
We continued with our investigation by investigating the design cycle. We compared the contrast websites, and we answered these questions:-
1. Are they well designed (give specific examples)?
2. Who is the audience?
3. What is it intended for? Where? How are they used for? why?
4. What age group/audience are the games intended for?
Second & Third Week
In partners, we have to brainstorm our project by using the design cycle.
It is due on March 5th and we discussed our project and give a process journal.we have to complete this project in three weeks.
Fourth Week
We have to follow the design cycle checklist and wrote our plan to create portion in our blog. Making sure that we included screen shots of our project. We finished planning the project and we started creating it.
Fifth Week
We continued peer editing our project in our blogs, we took screen shots of our projects. we evaluated our projects in blog. We have to comment on how we fulfilled the requirements for each of the Design Cycle Evaluation: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Investigating Bullying Compare&Contrast Websites
They are all designed perfectly, they have good pictures and information about Bullying and this site is very helpful and can find out things easily, there is not many dark colors and are confusing they are easy to use and to understand.
Who is the audience?
Some bullying websites are for different stages:
PBS - IT's MY LIFE - BULLYING is for kids and teenagers.
ANTI-BULLYING WEBSITE is i think for upper grades like Senior people.
What is it intended for ?
it is ade to help people stop bullying, and to be a better person. It can help us learn and the consequences that we can get by doing these harmful things.
These things can happen everywhere for example at school, malls, street and at home too.
To get revenge if they are in a bad mood or some people bully to show that they are strong and to be popular.

Here is a picture that some games that help us understand why bullying is very bad!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Investigating Bullying

Bully. What does the word make you think of? For some people, it's that girl at school who always makes fun of them. For others, it's the biggest guy in the neighborhood who's always trying to beat them up or take their things. Sometimes "bully" means a whole group of kids, ganging up on | |
someone else. No matter what situation or form it comes in, bullying can make you feel depressed, hurt, and alone. It can keep you from enjoying the activities and places that are part of your life. |
Let's start by looking at the different kinds of bullying:
Physical bullying means:
- Hitting, kicking, or pushing someone...or even just threatening to do it
- Stealing, hiding or ruining someone's things
- Making someone do things he or she don't want to do
Verbal bullying means:
- Name-calling
- Teasing
- Insulting
Relationship bullying means:
- Refusing to talk to someone
- Spreading lies or rumors about someone
- Making someone do things he or she doesn't want to do
What do all these things have in common? They're examples of ways one person can make another person feel hurt, afraid, or uncomfortable. When these are done to someone more than once, and usually over and over again for a long period of time, that's bullying.
The reason why one kid would want to bully another kid is this: when you make someone feel bad, you gain power over him or her. Power makes people feel like they're better than another person, and then that makes them feel really good about themselves. Power also makes you stand out from the crowd. It's a way to get attention from other kids, and even from adults.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Ending Evaluation
My product works really well, it has somethings that i wanted but not all of them, it does all the things that i wanted it to do, but there are somethings that i wanted but it doesn't have it but i managed to work and finish my i web.
B. How well did you work at each stage of the design cycle?

1. First is the investigate- it was easy to do because we only had to think about the things we were doing.
2. Second is the planning- we planned our website in a piece of paper and do some designs.
3. Third is the creating- we created the i web and it was fun.
4. Fourth is the evaluae- i am doing it now.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Client meeting

In IT we have been making iweb websites and here is what we did so far.
1. your design and layout of your web pages - does it fit your drawing/ plan?
My design that i planned does fit as the same way i wanted it to be, because there are some objects and items that i web doesn't provide but most of the things i need are there.
2. your topic and research. what have you done in class?
My topic is Floods and in class we were finding out information which are like; videos, pictures, quizzes and so much more.Then after we find out the question and book them in delicious.
3. Color, font and use of multimedia.
The font then i used was 16 because that's the only font that shows well in i web, my colors are orange and dark brown because it matches with the page that i chose. i have lots of pictures that show what what could happen and what happened after floods where occurred .
4. does it have five pages?
Now it has 4 pages but that is because im not finished with it but latter on in the future it will have 5 pages.
5. The features of apple i web. what us workig. what is not working in the i web application.
The i web application are good but there are some things that i wanted in i web which is a photo gallery that movies and every 3 seconds a new picture comes but i web didn't provide it.
6. Do you have an emergency plan? do you have reference page?
In the moment no i dont have an emergency plan but later on when we finish editing our website i will have 5 pages and the last page is and emergency and an reference page.
Here are my screen shots of my i web.

Sunday, January 11, 2009
1. Why is communication so important during an emergency?
Communication is very helpful and important during an emergency because it can inform you that where is the hurricane, where is it heading to, when is it going to stop and everybody needs to be aware if their community is getting stroked by a hurricane, and they need to be ready for everything.
2. What forms of communication have been used during recent disasters e.g Hurricane Katrina, the Tsunami?
I think that they have used radio, television, cellphones, and the internet of course.
3. What essential information needs to be communicated during a disaster or emergency?
The information needs to tell them that when and where is the disaster going to appear, and they should be ready and prepared.
4. What information can be created before the emergency? What information needs to be communicated during the emergency?
The information that needs to be created before the disaster strikes is that they have to report to people that there is e.g. a hurricane coming and the people need to move to shelter and they need to get their food, clothing and family to the shelter for safety.
5. What hardware and software is required to be able to communicate online?
Mobile phone:
A really helpful mobile phone is the Blackberry phone because what is good about all kinds of mobile phone not just blackberry is that if we are hit by a hurricane and experience a 9-day power/land line phone outage.
Investigation Guiding Questions:rff
A.How can I make use of established and emerging WWW tools to support online
B. What are the best tools to use for effective communication online?
I think the best tool for the world and the community is using HTML or an online newspaper because there are alot of disasters going around the world that could read and understand by these online helping tools.
C. How can the Internet be used to help a community prepare for and survive
a disaster?
The internet could be used by HTML or online newspaper too, like famous websites like Google, Yahoo by posting what is going on.
Communication and the Internet:
- Which communication forms are synchronous?
- Which ones are asynchronous?
- What type of information would be conveyed by each form?
- What is needed in hardware and software for each?